Monday, June 28, 2010

Whey into Whey...

Protein is an important nutrient used by every cell in the body. Although most people seem to know where to get protein, sources such as eggs and meats are often restricted due to our goals at reducing fat intake, which is still the primary diet modification to improve health. Protein helps curbs sugar cravings, manages hunger and reduces the total glycemic load of a meal. Small amounts should be consumed with every snack and meal.

Dairy (nonfat, no hormones) is a great source of protein and should be a part of your diet. If you are lactose intolerant a whey supplement can be added.

A whey protein shake can be consumed either as a meal or a snack. I do not recommend blending fruits often as it reduces the fiber so vital for health, a shake made with a scoop of whey protein powder, a cup of (non fat no sugar added) yogurt and a banana can be a great alternative breakfast or desert. Yesterday I pulled an abstract study from Nature/obesity/ that looked at the benefits of whey protein and found significant improvement over 12 weeks in vascular function and blood pressure both diastolic and systolic in overweight individuals.

Limit to one scoop a day for woman, two for men, half servings for the kids!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Summertime, and the Losin' is Easy . . .

Summer is right around the corner. Those of us with kids are inundated with kids camp activities, sports programs and family vacations. The hot weather will force us to the beach and inevitably into the water.

Recreational activity is one of the best ways to get active and being with family and friends adds to the fun

New Stuff is invigorating
Try a new sport. If you usually bike, try hiking. The Santa Monica mountains are a perfect place to hike. Wear comfortable shoes with a good tread, bring lots of water and snacks. The steeper mountains will offer an anarobic (strength training) and aerobic benefit.

Monday, March 29, 2010

H2O to the Rescue!

Water is food. It should be 65-70% of what you consume as it is 65-70% of your body. Your body extracts water from food. Drink a lot more water and start eating the foods listed below. Exercise as prescribed and you should feel amazing in no time.

Everyone wants an easy diet that works for their health. Nothing is easier than these foods. (NOTE: Wash any uncooked food with water prior to consuming.)

Eat regularly and rotate through your diet fresh . . .
Soybeans, Tomatoes, Avacado, Nuts, Seeds, Berries (all), Asparagus, Artichok, Broccoli, Beets, Butterhead Lettuce, Eggplant, Potatoes, Spinach, Apples, Plums, Cherries, Pears, Oranges, Peaches, Lemon, Iceburg lettuce, Peppers, Tangerines, Grapefruit, Grapes, Apricots, Canned Corn, Dried fruit, Carrots, Celery, Peas (black eyed), Hormone free fish, Hormone free poultry, Hormone free eggs, Hormone free low fat dairy, Vegetable oils

Avoid or limit . . .
Processed Foods, Hormone enhanced meats, Hormone enhanced dairy, Alcohol, Intense exercise longer than 120 minutes, Processed Beverges, Consentrated sugars, Chemically enhanced foods, Processed fats, Charred meats

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wanna' Lose Weight? Breathe!

Oxygen is the key to weight loss. The amount of oxygen you use is the predominant factor to how many calories you need. Use more oxygen in everything that you do and you will burn more calories. By using and consuming more and more oxygen you increase your caloric need.

If you stick to a low calorie, low fat nutrient dense eating program, the increased calories you are using through oxygenating are supplied by your fat cells. You lose a half pound of water for every pound of fat you lose.

What can you do to use oxygen?
  • Dance instead of watching TV when you go home.
  • Take the stairs, its been proven.
  • Walk away your lunch.
  • Climb a tree.
  • Jumping jacks (25) will get your oxygen going.
  • Eat high fiber foods, they are more complex to break down and use more oxygen to digest.
  • Drink water H2O the O is for Oxygen.
  • Kissing for one minute burns thirty calories and uses oxygen in a fun way.